Tvoří krátce sloupečkovité nebo tabulkovité krystaly. Ze srůstových zákonů je charakteristické vzájemně kolmé dvojčatění podle albitového a.
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Silicon 3027 Si 6476 SiO 2.

Mikroklin. Mikroklin amazonit - Bad Lands Dakota. Mikroklin mineral data information about Mikroklin its properties and worldwide locations. Structurally Mikroklin one of the framework silicates tectosilicates.
See cline American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language Fifth Edition. Microcline is polymorphous with Orthoclase and Sanidine. Det kan vere allotriomorf eller idiomorf.
Molecular Weight 27833 gm Potassium 1405 K 1692 K 2 O. These three minerals form the Potassium Feldspar group. Mikroklin amazonit - Gora Ploska Kejvy Kola.
The only difference between them is their crystal structure. With nounverb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and. Mikroklin usually develops prismatic to tabular crystals but also occurs in the form of.
Contextual translation of mikroklin into English. Aluminum 969 Al 1832 Al 2 O 3. General Microcline Information.
KAlSi 3 O 8. Microcline definition is - a triclinic mineral of the feldspar group that is like orthoclase in composition. Triklinická C 1 Forma výskytu.
Feldspat Beryll Rubin Glimmergruppe Biotit Topas Muskovit Hibonit Korund Aluminit Anorthit Albit Mikroklin. The grooved blue glass creates a silhouette reminiscent of a small sun when the light spreads out into the room. Learn the translation for Mikroklin in LEOs English German dictionary.
Oxygen 4599 O. Name given in 1830 by Johann Friedrich August Breithaupt to a reddish to brownish feldspar from Arendal Norway and a feldspar with bluish schiller from Stavern formerly Fredrichsvärn Norway from the Greek μικρός little and κλινειν to incline in allusion to. Det er ein kalifeltspat som mellom anna er vanleg i granittar og magmatiske bergartar.
MIKROKLIN Table lamp glass blue 22 cm This little neat table lamp with a warm soft light fits almost anywhere. MIKROKLIN Table lamp with LED bulb glass blue 9 This little neat table lamp with a warm soft light fits almost anywhere. Mikroklin ist ein sehr häufig vorkommendes Mineral aus der Gruppe der Feldspate innerhalb der Mineralklasse der Silikate mit der idealisierten chemischen Zusammensetzung KAlSi3O81 und ist damit chemisch gesehen ein Kalium-Aluminium-Silikat.
Human translations with examples. The grooved blue glass creates a silhouette reminiscent of a small sun when the light spreads out into the room. Mikroklin is a very common mineral from the group of feldspars within the mineral class of silicates with the idealized chemical composition K AlSi 3 O 8 and is therefore chemically speaking a potassium - aluminum-silicate.
10000 10000 TOTAL OXIDE. Det vert danna ved lågare temperaturar enn ortoklas. Mikroklin er eit viktig bergartdannande mineral med den kjemiske samansetjinga KAlSi 3 O 8.
Mikroklin amazonit - bez lokalizace. Mikro- micro- from the fact that its cleavage angle is not exactly equal to 90 Greek klīnein to lean. Quelle Wikipedia Bucher.
Noun a mineral of the feldspar group potassium aluminum silicate KAlSi3O8 identical in composition with orthoclase but having triclinic instead of monoclinic crystals used in making porcelain. They are almost identical in physical properties and sometimes it is impossible to distinguish one another without x-ray analysis. A whitish gray pink or green triclinic mineral of the potassium feldspar group that forms from relatively low-temperature magmas.
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