Kriechender Thymian (thymus Praecox)

Grows up to 2-3 in. All thyme species are nectar sources but wild thyme covers large areas of droughty rocky soils in southern.

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Articus Kriechender Thymian hat eine besonders sympathische Fangemeinde.

Kriechender thymian (thymus praecox). Thymus praecox mother of thyme wild thyme is cultivated as an ornamental. A strong grower ideal as a drought-tolerant lawn substitute or for planting. It is a member of the Lamiaceae or Mint family.

A highly desirable and popular groundcover forming a dense low mat completely covered in crimson-violet flowers throughout summer attractive fine and fragrant foliage the rest of the season. In feinem Geflecht zieht es sich über Steingärten und Kräuterspiralen und macht seinem Namen alle Ehre. In der Küche wird Kriechender Thymian aufgrund seines milden Aromas auch in.

Evergreen mats of tiny dark green leaves produce delightful pinky purple flowers throughout the summer. Thymus praecox is a creeping woody-based perennial which is primarily used as a small ground cover but also has limited culinary value. Thymus praecox Coccineus Creeping Thyme.

Phonetic Spelling THY-mus PRAY-koks Description. Thymus praecox grows over tops of walls around seedbed edges and softens architectural edges. This thyme species and Thymus serpyllum has escaped cultivation in North America and is a weed or invasive species in some habitats in the United States.

A sun-loving herb valued as an ornamental groundcover. Thymus Thyme praecox Creeping Red Seeds Red Creeping Thyme. A full sun lover this plant is best grown in moderately fertile average to dry.

The plant has a spicy fragrance and may be used as a lawn substitute. Mother-of-Thyme Creeping Thyme Description. Homonyms Thymus praecox Opiz Common names Frühblühender Thymian in German Frühblühender Thymian iwS.

When maintained at a lower height it is used between paving stones in patios and walkways. The optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive. Thymus serpyllum wild thyme creeping thyme is an important nectar source plant for honeybees.

The Coccineus Group is often also listed as Thymus praecox Coccineus or Thymus praecox subsp. At this height you can stroke the aromatic herb or watch the lively bees toil away. Full Sun 6 hours Part Sun 4-6 hours Full Shade up to 4 hours.

There are a great many selections of Thyme grown in gardens all of them with some degree of spicy fragrance. Evergreen in mild winters. Kleine leicht röhrenförmige endständige Blüten.

In fall the foliage turns a beautiful bronze. Leaves are aromatic but strength of scent varies according to habitat and season. Thymus or thymon is Greek for courage Through the centuries.

The carpet former also looks great at a higher level on table beds. Ideal für Xeriscaping. A blanket of stunning crimson flowers.

Kriechender niedriger Kissen- bis mattenbildender Thymian mit lila-rosa bis dunkelvioletten Blüten mit kräftigen violetten Hochblättern. Forms a dense flat mat of evergreen dark green leaves that are smothered in bright magenta-red flowers from early thru midsummer. Numerous somewhat woody stems form a flat mat 2-6 tall with tiny rounded fuzzy blue-green leaves.

Thymus praecox Name Synonyms Thymus serpyllum f. 8 - 10 Details. Use our free mobile apps to identify images and record your counts and observations.

Due to its creeping habit it forms a dense mat that tolerates moderate foot. The Creeping thyme is one of the few plants you can also walk on. Praecox Opiz Bolzon Thymus serpyllum subsp.

Thymus praecox legt sich über Mauerkronen überwächst Beetränder und nimmt architektonischen Kanten ihre Strenge. Genus Pronunciation Genus Pronunciation. In German Kriechender Thymian in German kruiptijm in Dutch kryptimian in Nynorsk Norwegian kryptimian in Norwegian Bokmål macierzanka.

Thymus praecox is cultivated as an ornamental plant used as an evergreen groundcover in gardens and pots. Coccineus Red Creeping Thyme Thymus praecox 1 REVIEW 5. Recipient of the prestigious Award of Garden Merit of the Royal Horticultural Society.

Der Polster-Thymian ist eine der wenigen Pflanzen die man auch mal betreten kann. This flat-growing Thyme features fragrant dark green leaves smothered by bright magenta-red flowers in early summer. Clusters of tiny tubular whitish to rose-purple flowers appear in.

3 - 6 Spread. Just a few inches high the plant is densely covered with tiny dark green shiny leaves that are intensely aromatic when crushed - plant them between paving stones and enjoy their fragrance. It is ideal for planting in troughs and as a gap filler in natural flagstones.

Creeping Thyme is a low-growing creeping woody-based perennial. Lovely between stones on a path or cascading over walls. A Planting Guide for Red Creeping Thyme.

Ideal für Steingarten Trockenmauern und Tröge. Bienen können von dem rosa bis intensiv pink blühenden Kraut nicht genug bekommen. A low-growing spreading plant that has purplish-red flowers throughout summer red creeping thyme Thymus praecox Coccineus reaches heights of.

Thymus praecox Coccineus Common Name. It is drought tolerant when established. Attraktiv für Schmetterlinge Wildbienen und andere Bestäuber.

Er eignet sich zur Trogbepflanzung und als Fugenfüller in Natursteinpflasterungen. Eine Etage höher in sogenannten Tischbeeten macht der Teppichbildner eine ebenso gute Figur. Tall 5-7 cm and will spread over time by rooting stems to 12 in.

Thymus pseudolanuginosus woolly thyme is not a culinary herb but is grown as a ground cover. Kriechender Thymian Thymus praecox ssp.

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